Ringing in 60… S.I.X.T.Y. !!!

In many ways it doesn’t seem real, yet my body reminds me daily that it is! Starting today I’m going to start making some changes to see if I can’t mitigate that or I’ll never make it to 70.

The Schmenkmans came for a visit for the week of my birthday which made it extra special.

My birthday meal was FONDUE!



Oh my word, the Schmenkmans know how to do it right!

We had to do the desert fondue a different day because we were so full.

chocolate fondue


The two Mrs. Schmenkmans did our usual hair cutting, shopping bonanzas and buffets while the Misters spent their time golfing and fishin. They even caught enough for a fish taco meal.


Again the Schmenkmans worked their magic


jim cookin fish

I kind of feel like a crappy hostess because they did most of the cooking if we didn’t eat out. Those two work together in the kitchen like a well oiled machine!

But I did make breakfasts and a nice pork roast one night!

We had a great time together playing cards, shopping, fishing, golfing, but mostly EATING!

Thank you God for blessing us with such great friends.

Jim and Kel 2022


And thank you friends for making the trip down!

And now I begin atoning for all that delicious but not very healthy food!


This entry was posted in Friends and Family, I'm Thankful for, Odds and Ends, Starting Low Carb AGAIN, The Capris, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Ringing in 60… S.I.X.T.Y. !!!

  1. deb says:

    Glad you had a fun birthday celebration to ease the transition. Hugs!

  2. Michele Sommers says:

    Birthday carbs don’t count, everyone knows that! Looks like you had a great birthday… 💜

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